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Johannes Peters
Pottery in Freiburg, Germany, unique pieces, ceramic, slip, stoneware, dish, tableware, crockery, special realizations, furniture from mold metal pieces with ceramic and wood, dates of potter markets, exhibitions, galleries, links to ceramic sites.

Jones, David
British studio potter and teacher making raku-fired vessels decorated with characteristic bold lines and metallic lustres.

JPotters Project
A directory of Japanese potters that lets you learn about various artists, view their work online, and contact the artists directly to purchase their work.

Juanita Wolff
Masks & ceramic sculptures inspired by Southwestern and South American influences

Julie Schuck & Blue Muse Ceramics
A directory to ceramics supplies, artists, education, and projects.

Jungbluth, Karin
Functional ceramics - nicely designed page in German only.

Karamuz, Justyna
Artistic ceramics and ceramic jewellery by Justyna Karamuz. Ceramics inpired by ancient shapes and motifs include three elements of old-time art: beauty, mysticizm and usefulness. Artistic lamps, clocks, bowls, vases, boxes and other items. Located in Warsaw, Poland.

Keith Barrell Arts
Keith Barrell (kbarts)- Watercolourist of well defined uninhibitied Male Nudes, Ceramicist of life size Male Torso's and Garden Sculpture.

KEMAL ULUDAĞ - Turkish Potter
Seramik Sanatçısı (Turkish only)

Kennedy, Terri
Functional sculpture & pottery by Terri Kennedy. A mix of clay art ranging from garden, saggar, kitchenware to fountains.

Hungarian ceramics website. Hungarian language only. A Kerámiapark 1994. óta muködik Budatétényben. Oktatunk, tanfolyamokat tartunk, táborokat szervezünk Budapesten és vidéken.

A resource for German speaking potters and related industries.

Kern, Michelle P.
Bay Area artist, primarily ceramics sculpture with mixed
media. Shapes and forms based on images from history of magic and

Kiffney, Cathy
North Carolina ceramic artist creating colorful hand built ceramic wall reliefs, murals, decorative tiles and vessels.

Kiyul, Park
Korean ceramist making animal and figurative sculpture, some with sexual themes.

Klug, Helena
Helena Klug, potière vous présente son atelier de céramique Massapé. Photos de l'atelier, des pots, portrait, présentation des cours d'émaux, renseignements,exposition,événements...

Knäpper, Gerd
Environmental design, sculpture, murals, works in clay, wood fired, works in granit, stailess steel, bronze, aluminium. Bilingual English/Japanese site.

Kollov, Janice
Although Janivce's pieces are organic and sculptural, they still have an opening, and so therefore can be called "pots". Located in Guildford, Britain.

Koschetzki, Laurel and Fred
portfolio of diverse medium; including jewelry and painting, with an emphasis on clay objects ranging from sculpture, pottery, murals and dragons - Woodstock, New York.

Krongaard, Ole
The Danish ceramist shows his stoneware ceramics in this virtual picture gallery; works from 15 years, every piece is handbuilt.

Kuhn, Beate
German studio potter making ceramic sculpture with extruded stoneware.

Kula, Ekrem - Turkish Potter
Seramik Sergisi - Turkish only site.

Kuroubyoue's Labyrinth
Ceramic art, unknown texture...

Lampitoc, Kasumi
I try to create each piece of pottery in harmony with the clay. I seldom know what a new piece of clay will become until working it in my hands for a while. This allows an individual personality to emerge from the clay into each piece of pottery I make. I always hope to reflect the expression of the clay through my pottery.

L'annuaire Pottery Guide
A database for French potters. Search by name, location or keyword.

Langmans, Willy what's this?
Stylish site showing smoke-fired ceramics by Belgian based artist Willy Langmans.

Lanovsky, Frédéric
French artist making colorful, funky, large-scale contemporary polyester sculpture. French language site.

Larssons Björn
A potter from Sweden's far north, making smaller series and unique pieces. All production is done by traditional methods and by hand. Primarily stoneware.

Law Hon Wah
Hong Kong Ceramic Artist, Law Hon Wah with brief description and work.

Leedy, Jim
Contains news, biography, portfolio, exhibition history, press, book information.

Leon Ceramics
Leon Lynch makes mostly non-functional ceramics in Cavan town, Ireland.

Lester, Jamie
Lester's sculpture is a study of humanity and of human dwelling places, and the connection between these inseperable yet divergent worlds. By joining various objects and images, Lester draws parallels between seemingly disjointed realms of the human consciousness.

London Katz, Rachel
Small figurative ceramic sculptures full of humor and expression by Israeli artist Rachel London Katz.

Loon, Johan van
Dutch ceramist making wheel-thrown, slip-cast and hand-built stoneware and porcelain vessels.

Lovejoy, Jon
Jon finishes his clay work primarily using primitive firing techniques such as Raku,which has its roots in the Japanese tea ceremony. Pit firing, a process of firing the unglazed work with wood in an open pit, originates from Native American Indian techniques.

Lundaal, Bo
Swedish potter working in woodfired stoneware and porcelain Stockholm.

Lundgren, Peter
Jag heter Peter Lundgren och min hobby är som ni förstår keramik.
Jag har på följande sidor lagt in bilder på egna alster. Du kommer också att hitta länkar till keramiker och konstnärer runt om i världen.

Lynn, Dameon
Contemporary Art Pottery - Stoneware and Smoke Fired Scuptures and Vessels. Resides in Wales, UK.

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