Robert Palmquist
Gig Harbor, Washington, USA

Budform Jar
6 x 3 inches
Stoneware with oxide washes and glaze runs in cone 10 reduction.
Artist Statement
My eye is attracted to the rugged, irregular (perhaps 'ugly') pieces
that are common in retrospectives of the last half-century - Voulkos
and Turner are two particular inspirations from this era. Their
work is more sculptural, only occasionally functional or 'beautiful',
but always striking. Their work speaks of freedom to let the clay
evolve into its own form and to experiment with form and with decoration.
I need to see pieces evolve as one piece of clay forces the placement
of another, one incised line dictates the next; or one stroke of
a glaze-filled brush opens another direction. No consistency; no
uniformity; no confinement; just the joy and freedom of discovery.