Artist's Statement
I gain satisfaction and pleasure from the infinite
colors created by the genuineness of white. The movement of geometric
lines surpasses the whiteness of porcelain. Instead the lights
created by the material give liveliness. Natural linear qualities
are added intentionally although the works are spontaneous and
coincidental. Time changes the rhythm of the lines and they are
constantly translating a variety of sensitivity.
As I work with the slip-casting technique such effects
give me incentive and they act as an important medium in solving
formative dispositions. A moderated sensitivity is most effective
when it reaches its pinnacle. Therefore my works put the extreme
of my formative imagination into one single meticulous line that
takes place in a single second. The transparent quality of the
materials is projected with light and whiteness while setting
the entire mood of the work.
Suk Young Kang, Professor, Department of Ceramic
Art, College of Art and Design, Ewha Womans University, Seoul,