Makoto Hatori
Kou-Nakaneyatsu, Tamatsukuri-Machi, JAPAN
35.5 x 35.5 x 65.0 (D-W-H) cm
Stoneware and slip painting.
Mixed media, Metal parts, Wood.
Wheel thrown and assembled ceramic forms.
Natural glaze. Traditional way ( Japanese bank kiln)
fired to 1280o C (in oxidized atmosphere). Ten-day firing.
Human beings are emotionally moved by the conscious
and unconscious movements of human beings, animals and plants --- the
movements as a proof of life for the mortal existence. Human beings
are emotionally moved by non-living things, through the emotional identification
with them, through the mechanism of cognitive engagement. The essence
of human beings resides in the consciouness of the limitation of life,
the limitation defined by the death. Art is born within this limited
nature of life. The history of art is characterised solely by the transitions
of consciouness. Science, to what extent it goes, cannot remove this
limitation of the life of human beings.