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Lead Toxicology
All about lead one of ceramic's hazardous ingredients.
Sculpture made with paperclay, by Australian ceramic artist Graham
Paperclay for the Ceramic
A comprehensive site on the uses of paperclay, where to get it,
tips and hints, etc. With works by ceramic artist Rosette Gault
Picol Passo's 'The Three Books
of the Potters Art'
The first ever comprehensive treatise on Maiolica, written in 1557.
Pit Firing
The traditional technique of pit firing is an age-old but simple
firing technique using combustible fuels, that you can try out in
your own back yard.
Discussion group for wheel thrown and hand built pottery.
Clay, water, wind & fire - in my Aquagama Nisse Holmström
introduces water into the firing-process by means of a system of
channels running in the floor of the kiln-chamber.
Safety in the Studio
Working with hazardous machinery and materials, from Ceramics Today.
Space Ceramics
Ceramics are a field not only known to artists and hobbyists, but
one that finds important applications in technical areas as well.
Ceramic space materials need to withstand temperatures from -250
F in the cold of space to entry temperatures that reach up to 3,000
F, e.g.. during the current Mars Pathfinder mission.
Site created by Denis Caraty, a specialist in ceramics technology.
Smart works for a french earthenware factory and is very knowledgeable
in everything relating to his daily job, including glaze leaching
problems. This a new site and it will improve with time, some of
my pots and articles on toxicology are already posted there. (Édouard
Bastarache, Québec, Canada).
Swedish Ceramics Institute (Industrial
English language industrial ceramics page in Sweden. Links to other
industrial ceramics sites.
Toxic Materials Database
An explanation of ceramic toxic materials.
Translucency in ceramics is prized for its uniqueness, beauty and
the technical difficulties involved. Usually translucency will be
achieved by using a porcelain body or bone china, which will often
be cast in a mold.
Virtual Ceramics
There is a new breed of ceramic artist emerging, namely the virtual
ceramist - the ceramic artist delving into 'new technologies' such
as 3D imaging and CAD/CAM. This new type of ceramics has been dubbed
'virtual ceramics' or 'cyberceramics.'
Watercolors on Porcelain
Not simply your traditional artists watercolors painted onto fine
china! These color effects are achieved by applying highly toxic
water-soluble metal salts onto unglazed porcelain.
WWW Virtual
Library Technical Ceramics
Find anything and everything about technical & industrial ceramics
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