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How to make Paperclay

Paperclay is a wonderful material for making ceramic sculptures. It has improved qualities over normal clay. When fired the paper burns away, leaving a lightweight but strong ceramic structure behind.

Difficulty Level: average      Time Required: 180 min.

Here's How:
  1. Soak about 200 gms newspaper per kilo clay.
  2. Make some clay slip from your favorite earthenware or mid-fire clay.
  3. Mix the two with a ratio of about 1:4 parts paper pulp and clay slip with a drill mixer attachment.
  4. Put up some boards on a large plaster bat to contain larger amounts of slip.
  5. Pour the slop mixture onto the plaster bat or table for drying.
  6. When ready, wedge.
  7. Store in thick plastic bags.
  1. Shredded paper is ideal for making paperclay.
  2. Paperclay is suitable for handbuilding, not throwing.
  3. Mold in stored paperclay will improve its workability.

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