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Picol Passo and the Art of Maiolica
in 16th century Italy
Damon Moon writes on Picol Passo, the famous Italian Maiolca master of
the 16th C.
Tools and Tool Making for Porcelain
Porcelain potter Alistair Whyte describes the procedure he uses for making
tools and throwing porcelain.
The Alchemy of Watercolours on Porcelain
Steven Goldate explains the use of watersoluble metal salts on porcelain.
The Life of Josiah Wedgwood
A short biography of Wedgwood and his achievements.
The Cyberflaneur - Spaces &
Places on the Internet
An article about the new breed of Flaneur, to be found lurking on the
Notes from Netherdale
Gwynn Hanssen Pigott writes of her experiences as a potter in Australia.
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