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JAPAN - Ceramics and Photography, Past
and Present
This exhibition is being held in the Deichtorhallen Gallery in Hamburg,
Germany. It compares two disparate art genres in Japan - that of tradition-laden
pottery and ceramics and that of the more recent field of photography.
'Cup 2003' - 3rd International Triennial
Of Ceramics
Organized by the Serbian Association of Applied Arts Artists and Designers,
this competition will be held in Belgrade, Serbia, from December 27, 2003
- January 20, 2004.
A Brief History of Takatori Ware
Andrew Maske, Curator of Japanese Art at the Peabody Essex Museum, Salem,
Massachusetts, USA writes about Takatori Ware, which was made in the Chikuzen
area of Kyushu and traces its roots to Korean potters who were taken to
Japan after emperor Hideyoshi's Korean military incursions at the end
of the 16th century.
Danish Ceramics and Potters - Kongstrands
Pottery, Esberg
Kongstrands was a small pottery run by Soeren Kongstrand in the Danish
town of Esberg in collaboration with his nephew Jens Pedersen from 1907-1919.
Terra Sigillata and Slips in Woodfiring
Alan Willoughby, studio potter from southern New Jersey, USA, and Executive
Director of the Perkins Center for the Arts, Moorestown, NJ, describes
his technique of making work with terra sigillatas and slips in a woodfire
How to Throw a Large Pot
Edouard Bastarache has dug around in his archives and produced this evergreen
pictorial description of how to throw a large, narrow-necked vessel.
Design and Craft
This discussion paper by Kevin Murray tackles the sometimes troubled relationship
between craft and design.
Once a common glaze ingredient, today its use in functional ware should
be avoided.
Danish Ceramics and Potters - P. Ipsens
Enke, Copenhagen
Tove Jespersen continues her tour of 19th & 20th C Danish potters
and ceramic factories with P. Ipsens Enke, Copenhagen.
In the Spotlight: Wonder Glaze
The so-called Wonder Glaze is a tin based wide firing glaze suitable for
the cone 4 - 11 range. It displays very good covering strength and glaze
fit characteristics.
S-Cracks and How to Avoid Them
S-cracking is a problem most potters will have encountered. What is an
scrack? How does an scrack develop? What can be done to avoid the problem?
Find out here.
Make Your Own Hydrometer
Hydrometers are useful for checking the consistency of glazes very useful
if you mix your own. Find out how to make your own inexpensive hydrometer
The Blue Bottle Project
Follow the making of a beautiful deep ink blue ceramic mid-fire (cone
4) bottle. A Cone 4 'Ink Blue' glaze and a bonus 'Deep Copper Red' glaze
recipes supplied!
The Blue Bottle Project II
Finish the making of a beautiful deep ink blue ceramic mid-fire (cone
4) bottle. This week: glazing.
Slipware is a technique that was popular in 17th & 18th century Europe.
Find out more about it's history and how to it it here!
Firing Techniques Update
More info on and links to great sites on firing techniques and kilns.
Exhibition Review: David Gilhooly
Fun-loving, quirky, irreverent - David Gilhooly's show at the ASU Art
Museum, Tempe, Arizona
The Wedging Bat
The wedging bat is a thick slab of plaster used for wedging (kneading)
clay, but also for drying out slip and other purposes.
Plaster Bats
Plaster bats can be a helpful tool for wheel thrown production work and
other ceramic objects.
Some Hints on Throwing Porcelain
Get some hints on how to improve your porcelain throwing technique.
Cracking can be avoided by following a few simple guidelines.
Clayfeast Gulgong
A place famous for it's yearly international ceramic events, hosted by
Australian ceramics diva Janet Mansfield.
High Bisque, Low Glaze
Usually the studio potter bisques low, then glazes high. This is not always
the case in industry, where the bisque may be high, and the glaze firing
low. Find out more about this technique here.
The Glaze Simulator
The Glaze Simulator is a glaze calculation program that simulates glaze
recipe creation. It includes a glaze wizard. A demo verion is available
for free.
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