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A Postcard from East Africa
Reid Harvey journeyed through Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda and Kenya, helping
the locals set up pottery industries based on new technologies.
Ceramics Today: The Story so Far
From Claynet to - now in its third reincarnation as
Ceramics Today, the Phoenix rises from the ashes.
Ceramics In Art - Morandi
Georgio Morandi is regarded as one of the great realist painters of
the 20th C. His still lifes of ceramic objects have been an inspiration
to many a potter.
Make Your Own Clay Whistle
Chris Henley demonstrates in easy steps how to make your own clay whistle,
similar to the Ocarina, which dates back 10,000 years.
A Postcard from... Japan
Dick Lehman gives an account of his travels in Japan, where he met Shiho
Kanzaki and other famous Japanese potters.
Ceramics in Art - Bruegel
A look at famous paintings that feature pottery and ceramics. This week
an article on Pieter Bruegel's painting 'Peasant Dance', which features
German Rheinisch salt-glazed stoneware.
Reducing in an Electric Kiln
Those of you who own electric kilns may well know that reducing is not
recommended in them. Find out how to do reduction glazes without damaging
your kiln.
Economic Factors and Potters
A challenging article by Jeff Zamek on the economic factors governing
pottery production for the studio potter.
A Postcard from... Staffordshire
A new section titled "A Postcard from..." This week, a story
about Staffordshire, Englands pottery powerhouse.
Rare Earths
Edouard Bastarache fills us in on the dangers of Rare Earths in ceramics.
Rare earths are relatively soft metals, malleable, with a bright
silver luster. The most common is cerium and it is more abundant
than lead or copper. French & English.
Edouard Bastarache writes about the dangers of molybdenum in ceramics.
Molybdenum trioxide (MoO3) is used in ceramics as a colorant to
produce yellowish and yellow green colors. French & English.
Egyptian Paste
Egyptian Paste is a self-glazing, low-firing clay body formulated by the
Ancient Egyptians and still popular with some people today. Find out about
it's history as well as recipes and tips!
Eye Injuries in Ceramic Practice
Eye injuries are not something we always consider when practicing ceramics.
They may especially occur over lengthy periods of time from firing kilns.
Unfortunately eye protection is something not always emphasized enough
in schools.
6th International Ceramics Competition
The 6th International Ceramics Competition 2002 is being held in Mino,
Japan. Categories include Ceramic Design and Ceramic Art. Prize monies
of several million yen are being awarded in both categories. Entries close
in February 2002.
The Invention of Pottery
Ceramic artifacts have been around for millennia. Check out the origins
of pottery -- clay vessels and other artifacts used for practical purposes
-- about 13,000 years ago in Asia.
Bernard Leach (St. Ives Potters)
Bernard Leach is seen as a pivotal figure in Western ceramics of the 20th
century. In his book Bernard Leach (St. Ives Potters), Edmund De
Waal takes a critical look at Leach's life's work and legacy.
Extruding Clay
Tom and Jean Latka's publication Ceramic Extruding, Inspiration and
Technique is a comprehensive how-to book on all aspects of extruding
clay, with knowledgeable advice on how to make your own dies to projects
on what to do with the clay once it has been extruded.
Crafting as a Business
Wendy Rosen's book Crafting as a Business is directed at those
practitioners wishing to make a living from their craft
work. This publication covers all apsects of setting up and running a
business making craft objects.
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