Dutch sculptor
Nanning studied at the Rietveld Academy from 1974-1979.
She makes large-scale sculpture, including public art, from assembled
stoneware elements, working in series based on a theme, e.g. ‘Hydra’,
or ‘Galaxy’.
Nanning draws inspiration from the macro and microcosm – the
planets, the stars, plant-life and molecules.
used to glaze her work, but she developed a technique whereby colored
pigments could be applied directly to the work, resulting in a matt
finish. She makes ceramics,
and is well known for her monumental
sculptures. Her work is currently on display (until 15 December)
at the Singer Museum
in Laren, The Netherlands. This month also saw the launch of a multi-lingual
(Dutch, English, French and Japanese) monograph entitled BARBARA
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