Pottery Making Illustrated
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Pottery Making Illustrated is an American magazine which is published 5 times a year by the American Ceramics Society. Pottery Making Illustrated is a 'hands-on' style magazine with articles on "handbuilding, throwing, firing and glazing techniques, as well as step-by-step projects and information on tools, equipment, safety etc.

On the Current Issue page is a listing of articles avaialble in the mag. Note: this is not an e-mag, rather the web site facilitates the promotion of the hardcopy, like most other ceramic magazines around the world. None-the-less, a Feature Article is offered to whet your appetite, in this case an article on creating random textures possible in handbuilding, by Dannon Rhudy. Other articles include web site reviews, an article on creating texture, on eye protection in the studio, building a domed cylinder kiln and more.

PThe Off the Shelf page offers reviews of useful books such as Robert Fournier's Dictionary of Practical Pottery, Frank and Janet Hamer's The Potter�s Dictionary of Materials and Techniques, Tony Birks' The Complete Potter�s Companion amongst others. A good selection, although a bit thin. It would be good to see more books reviewed here.

ClayLinks offers a smattering of ceramics sites with a brief description, while the recipes page offers a number of clay and glaze recipes from previous editions of the magazine. These include mid range and raku glazes as well as slip and engobe recipes (not so common online!).

Writer's guidelines, an advertising section and of course subscription information round off the site.

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