The Web's Coolest Homepages

Dateline: 06/02/97

Homepages are homepages are homepages. Or are they? I bet most of you have seen plenty of potters homepages that just didin't grab you. Making great ceramic art is not the only ingredient necessary to create a homepage that will get people's attention and make them want to stay and have a look around. A few graphic design elements and some cool HTML will do nicely too, thank you!

So let's check out some of those homepages that not only present great ceramic work, but also some interesting, unusual or just elegant page design.

A recent, very elegant addition to the Web is Francesc Burgos' site, that uses a good combination of restrained colors and presents interesting ceramic work too, including shino platters, porcelain sake sets and sculptural work. This site is an inspiration for wb design and ceramics as well. Robert Long has also put much effort into his homepage, which has a neat backdrop design with thumbnails and enlargements of his wheelthrown stoneware and sculptural work. Angie Russi uses free standing frames on her page - a feature not yet seen that often on the net, but which can be used effectively, if done properly. Her work consists of quirky animal sculptures.

Now check out this dude: John Britt, the 'Clay Dude' and his 'dysfunctional pottery'. Talk about dysfunctional! Hey, this is a well made site with interesting ceramic stuff too. Let's not forget Michael Lucero's homepage, another great site on the Web. Some of you may have seen a previous weekly feature that goes into detail on Lucero's web site, which is well structured and has stacks of images to view, without long download times. Japanese Culture seen in Kanazawa is a cool site from Japan where you can check out traditional Japanese ceramics and culture, and read about the Tea Ceremony.

This is just a small selection of some great homepages. Of course I can't list all of the Web's best pages here and there are sure to be some you feel should be included - so hey, why don't you drop me a line and let me know about them?

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