Jim Speers, Ceramic Artist

Dateline: 04/20/98

Jim Speers is a pretty versatile guy, who not only uses his hands to make production stoneware and porcelain and one-off pieces, but also elaborate virtual ceramics.

Jims production ware consists of finely thrown blue and white porcelain bowls, cups and saucers, terrines, plates and other functional ware, as well as stoneware pieces such as mugs, which are glazed with other muted colored glazes. The 'production ware' page has clickable thimbnails that lead on to elargements of the work, that are about 15Kb on average -- a manageable size.

Jim's one-off pieces are a mixture of slab-constructed platters and wheel thrown lidded stoneware jars with curved surfaces. These draw on traditional chinese designs; some are decorated with celadon glazes, others with darker creme or brown stoneware glazes. Again thumbnails and enlargements of between 10-17 KB assist in navigating through the site.

Jim Speers has been involved in ceramics for over 20 years. He started off making functional and decorative items in 1975 and has since participated in numerous group exhibitions in Canada. Recently he has also ventured into the world of virtual ceramics, with his 3D renderings. He somewhat modestly states that these are raytraced images of "3D pottery/clay related objects in a variety of settings." This statement doesn't hint at the complexity and richness of the scenes that Jim has modelled.

Cups...that early morning coffee depicts a procession of porcelain cups floating majestically through a chinese sea and mountain landscape. Teapot is a cosy looking inn, in the form of a teapot, located on the outskirts of a big city. My favorite is Vase...not a self portrait, which has a beautifully rendered interior setting, with a floating vase and a portrait of someone that looks vaguely familiar (--who IS that?) on the wall. Sunlight streams through some shades, creating shadows on the wall, while reflections are visible on the highly 'polished' floorboards.

Jim's site also has a links page and links to some of the many web pages he has created for others.

Related Sites:
Ceramic Artists World-Wide
Virtual ceramics
Electronic Craft
Virtual Ceramics

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