Ceramics Societies


The Ceramic Society plays an important role for those potters and ceramic artists that wish to congregate and share their experiences with collegues. Not only do Ceramics Societies have meetings, but might also organise events, such as the NCECA Conference, Rochester, NY, USA or the 8th National Ceramics Conference, Canberra, Australia or publish magazines such as the Minnesota Clay USA Newsletter, Pottery in Australia or the German language Kalkspatz T�pferblatt.

Ceramics Societies offer a forum for the exchange of ideas, a possibility to keep in touch with what is going on in the ceramics community -these things are especially important for the artist that works alone at home and may feel the isolation of the 'lone artist'.

Where there are potters and ceramists there are ceramics societies. The ACERS - American Ceramic Society in particular has many chapters across the country -possibly one near you. Europe is also very strongly represented with the main chapter the European Ceramic Society, but also locally through the German Kalkspatz T�pfernet and the Swedish Ceramic Society. Japan has its Ceramic Society of Japan and Australia the Potter's Society of Australia.

All of these societies and their sites on the Web fulfil an important role in exchanging information and generally helping out their members and in many cases non-members with whatever needs arise -and a lot of the time the work is purely voluntary too!

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