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Phil Rogers
British studio potter

Tall BottlePhil Rogers is a British studio potter and author of several pottery books.

Rogers studied at Newport College of Art from 1969-70, at Swansea College of Art from 1970-72 and at Swansea College of Education, University of Wales, from 1972-73. He taught at two Comprehensive Schools in Cambridgeshire from 1974-77 and briefly at Staffordhire University in 1986.

Rogers established his first workshop in Wales in 1978, where he made wheel-thrown, oxidized stoneware. In 1981 Rogers turned his attention to reduction-fired stoneware, making vessels inspired by Korean and European Medieval ceramics and since 1985 he has also been making salt-glazed wares.

Shell-Fired Bottle Yunomi with feldspar

In 1985 he was elected Fellow of the Craft Potters Association of Great Britain. He became a council member of the CPA in 1986, in 1990 Vice Chair and was Chair from 1991-95. In 1994 he was appointed to the Craft Board, Arts Council of Wales. In 1999 he became a member of the IAC.

Rogers is also known as the author of Ash Glazes (1992), Throwing Pots (1995) and Salt Glazing (2002).

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