
Hilde Orye

This work belongs to a group of works, named " Reflections on purity". In this project, I examined different interpretations of the concept "Purity" and reviewed them critically.

One question is:
What if you take "Purity" as the basis for the organisation of a society? If you impose an ideal of Purity on the society, it always goes together with discrimination of race, religion, sexual preference,... This state can not be held without violence and oppression. Can this situation last or is it destined to deteriorate?

The element of time is very important. The cubic recipients, just filled with stones and saltwater have a stern and rigid look. It recalls the rigidity of the dogmas imposed. The saltwater gradually seeps through the clay recipient and softens the contours. In time, the salt destroys the recipient and with it the rigid look of the sculpture.