Lottie Eriksson
I like to work with both porcelain and red earthenware, because each material leads me in totally different ways.
With porcelain I tend to simplify the forms whether I build them or paint them. When I paint I prefer black engobe and mostly no glaze. I like the plain graphic look that, to me, says so much with so little. "The Seventh Wave" consists of three porcelain waves and one stoneware wave, all cut out using the same template, but bent and
carved in different ways. The porcelain waves has, of course, shrunk a lot more than the stoneware wave. When you touch them they rock with different paces and I have secret names for each one of them as they remind me of people I know. One rocks fast as it is in a hurry. One has a slow and steady pace as if nothing ever worries it. The black one, the seventh although there are only four of them, keeps on rocking when all the others have stopped. It rocks with a stronger and much heavier pace. They are quite small, the sea they roll around in is a calm and peaceful sea.
With red earthenware I reach an opposite state. The clay has a rich feeling and it makes me long for colours. So I paint tiles in the way I would paint an oilpainting. Both forms and paintings become more earthbound, more epic than the more abstract and spiritual feeling in my porcelain pieces. This is what I feel when I make them .
I like opposites.