Katherine Blain
Date of birth : 20 August 1962
Nationality : British
Sex : Female
Status : Married
- 1994-96 Goldsmiths College, University of London
M.A. History and Theory of Twentieth Century Art
Dissertation involved an investigation into Ceramist's relationship with clay,
and a detailed look at fundamental differences between sculptural ceramics
and ceramic sculplture.
- 1989-90 City and Guilds, London Institute
Further Adult Education Teaching Certificate (FAETC)
- 1983-86 Camberwell College of Arts, London Institute
B.A.(hons) Ceramics,
- 1982-83 Milton Keynes College
'A' levels : Ceramics : Art , English
- 1980-81 Mander College, Bedford
Foundation Course in Art
- 1979-80 Milton Keynes College
'O' levels : 12 including English and Maths
- 1986-88 Mitten Keynes Commuity Workshop
Artist in Residence, Fascilitated practical workshops in Ceramics specifically for
the local community.
- 1988-89 De Montfort University
Taught History, Theory and Practical Photography to 'A' level and GCSE standard
students .
- 1989-90 Gyosei International School in the U.K.
Taught Fine Art and Crafts to students of all levels.
- 1990- TASIS England American School
Specialist Ceramics teacher to Upper School students, Photography teacher to
Eighth Grade students. In adddition to this I teach Fine Art to Middle School and
Fifth Grade students.
- The Craft Potter's Association
- London Potters
Most recent exhibition
- 'A Splash of Colour\, Morley Gallery, London, 4-13
December 1996.