Werner Bernhard Nowka
- 1953:
Born Germany
- 1976 to 1978 studied ceramic art at the GHK Kassel
- 1979
founded own studio in Erlangen together with Monkia Sch�del-M�ller
- 1985 started design work for porcelain companies
- since 1980 the works have been shown in lots of exhibitions and competitions,
mainly In Germany but also as part of larger ceramics exhibitions in
New York,Pariss ,Tokio, Kairo and Auckland
- Kunstsammlungen der Vetste -Coburg Coburg
- Westerwaldmuseum f�r Keramik -H�hr Grenzhausen
- Keramion -Frechen
- Museurn f�r Stadtkultur- Schw�bisch -Gm�nd
- Various international collectors
1992: first prize at the international ceramics competition in Vallauris/France
1993: Gold Medal at the International ceramics competition in Faenza/Italy
1996: first prize at the J.M.Maucher competition in Schw�bisch -Gm�nd/Germany